Song that keep playing in my mind

That day during our presentation of Literature subject,A5 class choose Puteri Gunung Ledang as their movie presentation. The scene that caught my attention is when the fortune teller do some jampi serapah, the background song it captures my attention. Yeah! It is. I used to listen to this song when I was in my primary school and sang it together with my friend.

The song title Gurindam 12 sung by Maya Karin in the movie Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam. I like that song,he really succeed to make many people goosebumps as it is being played.

Gurindam Dua Belas...

Apabila banyak berlebih-lebihan suka,
Itulah tanda,
Hampirkan duka...

Ingat akan dirinya mati,
Itulah asal berbuat bakti,
Akhirat itu telah pun nyata,
Kepada hati yang tidak buta...

Gurindam Dua Belas...
Kini mohon berhenti...

*Gurindam yang dilagukan oleh Meriam, watak seorang primadona yang dipegang oleh Maya Karin dalam Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam, hasil karya Suhaimi Baba.

credit to : pojiepooh.blogspot.

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